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The safety of students is our top priority. Arrival and dismissal are busy times at schools. We need to work together with parents, guardians and childcare providers to make sure students are safe.
Here are key points to be aware of when planning pick up and/or drop off of students:
Supervision starts fifteen (15) minutes before bell time and ends fifteen (15) minutes after bell time, school staff will contact the parent/guardian, followed by emergency contact for any student who is not picked up within this time.
If late pickup happens often, additional support services may be involved.
If parents/guardians arrange for other people to
pick up their children, like a private childcare provider, the parent/guardian is responsible to ensure the alternate person/program is picking up on time.
Designated bus loading zones are out-of-bounds during arrival and dismissal times, with the only exception being Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium buses. Private childcare providers will be asked not to use these areas. Parents are also not allowed to drop off or pick up in the bus zones.
Once buses have departed and the loading zone has been opened up by school staff, vehicle traffic may begin to flow through the area to pick students up. Traffic must be in constant flow in this area at all times, meaning no unattended parked vehicles in this area.
Unattended vehicles must be parked in an approved parking space, outside of the kiss and ride area, with the engine turned off.
At school with kiss and ride areas, parents/guardians must adhere to guidelines provided by the school to maintain a steady flow of traffic.
Reporting a student absence
All parents/guardians are asked to notify the school when their child will be absent. To notify the school of an absence, call 1-888-885-8065.
Safe Arrival program
All SCDSB elementary schools participate in the Safe Arrival program to monitor and manage student absences. When a student who is enrolled in the Safe Arrival program is absent , and schools do not hear from a parent/guardian, the school will call home to find out the reason for the absence.
On days when buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, the Safe Arrival program continues. For parents/guardians of students who ride the bus on these days, if you receive a call and believe that your child should be in attendance, you are asked to please call the school. Otherwise, the school will assume that you are aware of your child's absence. Families of students who walk to school should call the school if their children are not attending on inclement weather days.