University and college practicum placements

The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) offers a rewarding practicum placement experience as one of Ontario’s largest public education systems. This is an opportunity for practicum placement students to contribute meaningfully to the lives of our students, staff, and communities while gaining invaluable experience in their field.

How to obtain a practicum placement within the SCDSB

Universities and colleges can initiate contact with school principals to obtain practicum placement(s) for their students. Visit the School Search page for a list of SCDSB schools.

Students looking for social work, psychology, and speech language practicum placements can email [email protected]. Please include the student resume and details of the practicum placement.

Practicum placements in our board office (e.g., Human Resources, Business Services, Communications, etc.) will be posted on Apply To Education when they are available.

Information for the university/college

Universities and colleges must provide a list of all students placed in our elementary and secondary schools, including the information below, prior to the commencement of the practicum placement(s). The list can be emailed to [email protected] 

  • name of student 
  • date(s) of practicum placement 
  • name of school where practicum placement will take place
  • type of practicum placement (e.g., teaching, ECE, DSW, etc.)

Receiving this information in advance of the practicum placement will assist us in monitoring practicum placements within our board and will allow us to follow up with the universities and colleges should our records indicate that a student(s) has not completed their training or provided their Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC).

Honorariums, if applicable, must be paid directly to the associate teacher. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]

Practicum placement contracts

If your practicum placement requires a signed contract, please email your contract to [email protected] with the subject line 'University/College Practicum/Placement Contract'.

Required documentation and training

Once a practicum/placement has been obtained, all students are required to complete the following:

Vulnerable Sector Check

  •  Students must provide the SCDSB with a valid Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) within 14 days before the start of each practicum placement.
  •  The VSC must have been prepared by a police force or service from national data on the Canadian Police Information Centre database within six months of the first day of commencing the practicum placement.
  •  A scan of the original VSC must be emailed to [email protected].
  • The SCDSB will ensure that all practicum placement students are clear to enter schools.
  • If a practicum placement student has any type of irregularity indicated in their documentation, they will be instructed to include with the VSC a sealed letter addressed to the SCDSB Superintendent of Human Resource Services explaining their circumstance. 
  •  The SCDSB will destroy all copies of student VSCs at the end of the year.

Mandatory training

All practicum placement students are required to complete the following training courses. Please follow the instructions listed in each document.

Health and safety training 

The SCDSB requires practicum placement students to complete three health and safety training modules before their practicum placement commences.  

  • Training instructions
  • Health and Safety Awareness
  • Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS)
  • Workplace Violence Awareness

 Equity awareness training

Training declaration form
Once you have completed the required training, please complete the declaration form and email it to [email protected] prior to the start of your practicum placement.

Training declaration form

After you graduate

We encourage students to explore potential career opportunities with us upon graduation. Many former practicum placement students have found fulfilling roles within our board!

Visit the Join our Team page to learn about the types of jobs within our board, our recruitment and application process, interview tips, and more.